About Martin, White & Griffis Structural Engineers, Inc.
Exceeding the design, technical and service expectations of clients across the Western United States is what makes Martin, White & Griffis Structural Engineers, Inc. (MWG) unique. For over 50 years, the firm has been servicing public and private entities with comprehensive structural engineering services, including structural investigations and assessments, feasibility studies, structural retrofit and repairs, peer reviews, complete design and construction documents, and construction observations and inspections.
Valleywise CUP wins 2021 ENR Industrial, Award of Merit
Valleywise CUP wins 2021 ENR Industrial, Award of Merit Central utility plant (CUP) projects are typically straightforward affairs, but the new CUP at Valleywise Health Medical Center was a highly complicated project. Built in one-third of its previous space within an existing warehouse structure in the middle of campus, the CUP required ingenuity, creativity, and collaboration to feed the campus’ new utility grid successfully. It was crucial to deliver [...]
MWG’s Newest Principal, Andy DiLeo, P.E., S.E.
MWG's Newest Principal, Andy DiLeo, P.E., S.E. Martin, White & Griffis Structural Engineers, Inc. is pleased to announce our newest principal, Andy DiLeo, P.E., S.E. Since joining MWG in 2005, Andy has had a significant impact on the collaborative design process while leading the project team throughout the construction phase. As Senior Project Manager and Structural Engineer with MWG, Andy has a diverse project experience including multi-story education facilities, [...]
2020 ENR Best Projects Award for U of A HSIB
2020 ENR Best Projects Award: U of A HSIB In 2017, Martin, White & Griffis participated in the design of The University of Arizona Health Sciences Innovation Building (HSIB). HSIB is a 217,000 square foot cutting edge laboratory and research facility that uses structural ingenuity to achieve remarkable learning and collaboration. While the 9‐story plus basement building fosters a wide variety of learning, research and gathering spaces for teams of [...]
2020 ENR Best Projects Award: Banner University Medical Center Tower
2020 ENR Best Projects Award: Banner University Medical Center Tower In 2017, Martin, White & Griffis participated in the design of The Banner University Medical Center Tower (BUMCT). BUMCT is a new 9-story clinical tower for the region's only academic medical center which replaces an aging portion of the existing hospital and updates and expands operating rooms and elevates the patient experience with all-private patient rooms. The tower includes 226 [...]
MWG Awarded 2020 SEAoA Excellence Award for U of A Skaggs Building Additions and Renovation
MWG Awarded SEAoA 2020 Excellence in Structural Engineering Award for U of A Skaggs Building Additions and Renovation Martin, White & Griffis was recently awarded the 2020 Excellence in Structural Engineering Award for our design work done for the Skaggs Building Addition and Renovation at the University of Arizona’s College of Pharmacy. The Skaggs project included a 10,800 square‐foot renovation of existing classroom labs and administrative space in the Health [...]
MWG Awarded 2020 SEAoA Excellence Award for U of A HSIB
MWG Awarded SEAoA 2020 Excellence in Structural Engineering Award for U of A HSIB Martin, White & Griffis was recently awarded the 2020 Excellence in Structural Engineering Award for our design work done for The University of Arizona Health Sciences Innovation Building (HSIB). HSIB is a 217,000 square foot cutting edge laboratory and research facility that uses structural ingenuity to achieve remarkable learning and collaboration. While the 9‐story plus [...]
MWG Recieves 2020 Cornerstone Award
On March 3rd at the Desert Diamond Casino, Martin White & Griffis was awarded the Cornerstone Design Consultant of the Year at the 26th Annual Awards Gala. The Cornerstone Building Foundation asks the architecture, engineering and construction industry to nominate companies who display workmanship, skill, responsibility and integrity in the building development industry. Winners of the prestigious Cornerstone Award reflect the best business practices in areas such as quality and [...]
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from MWG
Happy Holiday's and Happy New Year from MWG The MWG team celebrated the holidays and a great 2019 at the Tavolino restaurant in Tucson, AZ. From the entire MWG we wish you a happy holiday and fantastic 2020! Highlights of 2019: Completed construction for the University of Arizona Hillenbrand Softball Stadium Melanie Ormsby celebrated 20 years with MWG Construction completed for the Banner Health and University of Arizona Medical [...]