Project Description
Andy DiLeo PE, SE
Andy has been a structural engineer with Martin, White & Griffis for 16 years providing engineering design and special inspection expertise across numerous typologies. His key role and responsibilities include project design and preparation of structural calculations, observing the progress of construction related to structural documents, maintaining close contact with the Project Manager and Lead Project Engineer, and advising and assisting the project team throughout the construction phase.
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Arizona Structural No. 52343
Professional Memberships
Structural Engineers Association of Arizona (SEAoA) – State Board President
Structural Engineers Association of Arizona (SEAoA) – Past President, Tucson Chapter
International Code Council (ICC)
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
What is your favorite MWG project and why?
Banner University Medical Center Tucson Expansion has been my favorite project. This is the largest project that I’ve worked on. It’s been challenging for many reasons and the challenges are what make my job fun.
What is your favorite season and why?
Fall is the best time to be outside in Southern Arizona, and you know the holidays are right around the corner.
What is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry’s Americone Dream
Favorite Quote?
“Either the curtains go or I do” – Oscar Wilde